fast breast growth with Oris Breast Cream
fast breast growth with Oris Breast Cream |
in Indonesia we call Krim pengencang payudara Oris Breast Cream
We sell breast fasteners in Singapore by online ((+62) 857.3213.4547)
What up (+62) 822.4341.4586
BBM 55007717
Solid breast, Toned & Beautiful is almost every woman's dream and of course is desired by the man. And almost every woman wants to have a beautiful body shape. One of the supporters of the beauty of the female body shape is healthy breast, solid, strong and beautiful. But 90% of women pay less attention to the health and beauty of the breast, especially who have been pregnant, after feeding, so unwittingly breast sagging, withered and began to wrinkle.
The reason is due to the shrinking of the mammary gland, also due to the weakening of connective tissue supporting the breast and the breast skin elasticity is reduced.
Hence it is very important to treat breast, now PT. ABE offered ORIS products (Breast Cream) – breast fasteners 100% Natural & Herbal, present to provide a solution that is safe for women to breast skin will become firmer, softer, healthier and whiter.
Oris Breast Cream contains herbal ingredients, very appropriately chosen to maintain or help restore the breast to form coveted by every woman, more dense and shapely.
fast breast growth with Oris Breast Cream |
Oris function Breast Cream:
Helps tighten and improve skin elasticity breast and also prevents sagging breasts
Repair the damaged structure of the breast skin and breast skin maintain softness.
Helps blood circulation
The first week of use ORIS (Breast Cream) will feel its effect, ORIS (Breast Cream) not only tighten but also formed a more beautiful woman's breasts.
ORIS (Breast Cream) safe herbal product in use continuously and does not cause dependence, does not trigger breast cancer and does not cause allergies.
Main Ingredients Herbal ORIS include:
Tuber Extract Pueraria Mirifica (very well-known as herbal breast fasteners), Tomato Extract (fruit, leaves and stems), fruit extracts Lemon, Turmeric Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Extract Skin Mangosteen, and other herbs.
ORIS has passed the test with Permit No. BPOM RI POM NA 18120100739 in other words it does not contain harmful substances and does not contain carcinogenic substances (triggers cancer) as in breast medicine illegally (without permission BPOM RI).
Pueraria Mirifica is a scientifically proven herbal able to lift and tighten sagging breasts and stimulate the development of breast size up to the size of its potential.
Barbaradensis Aloe extract is aloevera as a nutrient for the skin around the breast.
Mangosteen peel extract as ANTI-oxidant prevention of breast cancer. So users of ORIS not only have breasts taut and beautiful but also healthy!
PRICE fast breast growth Oris Breast Cream is 300.000 IDR.
1. your full name
2. your full shipping address
3. Mention how many boxes ORIS
4. Name Bank will you use to transfer
Send it to no hp: 0857.3213.4547
Example SMS:
Riana Dewi, a message box ORIS 1, Jalan Utara No. 3A Beringin village RT01 RW02 Medangan District of Randusari, solo 50252 - Central Java, via BCA
Send it to no: 0857.3213.4547
- Furthermore, we will return the total price + postage + bank brand.
- Confirm your payment after the transfer via SMS: 0857.3213.4547- Package delivered neat (plain to maintain your privacy)
CIMB Niaga Syariah cabang Pasuruan
Wahyudi Sukur Sugianto
We sell breast fasteners in Singapore by online ((+62) 857.3213.4547)
What up (+62) 822.4341.4586
BBM 55007717
fast breast growth with Oris Breast Cream |